TDM Comics Survey

Please state which Tier you are currently pledged at
$5 Sketch Collector Tier
$15 Comic Collector Tier or Supporter Tier (Subscribestar)
$20 Early Access Tier or Sweet Subscriber (Subscribestar)
$100 VIP Tier or Super Fan (Subscribestar)
Who is your Favorite Sweet Life Character?
Sweet Sarah
Veronica Sweet
Jack Sweet
Henry Sweet
Aurora Tiwari Taylor
Shivani Tiwari Taylor
Gwen Fox
Stacy Prattford
Katie Anderson
Samantha Anderson
Did you enjoy seeing the sketch version of the comic first?
A. Yes
B. No
Did seeing the comic in early access sketch form ruin the experience or the excitement of seeing the final color version
A. Yes. It ruined the excitement of the colored version
B. No it made me excited for the colored version
C. Neither. It didn't affect my experience at all.
If you answered "A. It ruins the experience of seeing the art for the first time" for the previous question, What specifically does it ruin?
A. It ruins the experience of seeing the art for the first time
B. Knowing the story before the art is finished ruins the experience
C. Something else.
D. I did not answer "A"
If you answered "C" for the previous question, please state your opinion?
How would you rather experience TDM comics?: I would rather...
A. Wait longer, and see the comic for the first time in color, page by page.
B. Wait the full production cycle and see the Full comic for the first time in color (Keep in mind when completed the comic goes on gumroad)
C. Not Wait, and see the comic progress from sketch to finish (current system)
D. Not wait, but see the sketched pages without any text, so the story is still a mystery
If you answered "A" or "B" (Wait Longer for full color viewing) for the previous question AND you are an "Early Access" Patron, How would you feel if the lower tiers got access to the Sketch pages and not you?
A. Not Offended. Because I want my first experience to be in color
B. Offended! I am at the early access tier
C. I'm not an Early Access Patron
D. I did not answer A or B for the previous question
Regarding comics posting which would you prefer?
A. When a new page is ready, post all the previous pages as well
B. When a new page is ready, post only the new page
C. Post the entire comic only when the comic is complete in both sketch and color versions
When a comic is complete, which would you prefer?:
A. A series of jpegs of each page
B. One pdf to download containing all the pages.
How are you feeling about the Sweet Life story saga?
A. The story is engaging!
B. I don't care about the story
How do you feel about the sex and sexual scenes in the TDM comics so far?
A. Very Satisfied
B. Satisfied
C. Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied
D. Dissatisfied
E. Very Dissatisfied
In your opinion, what do you think would make your tier more attractive?
Would you recommend The Dirty Monkey's Patreon or Subscribestar to your friends/followers?
A. Yes
B. No
{"name":"TDM Comics Survey", "url":"","txt":"Please state which Tier you are currently pledged at, Who is your Favorite Sweet Life Character?, Did you enjoy seeing the sketch version of the comic first?","img":""}
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